
James and the Giant Peach 詹姆斯与大仙桃

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one by one, the travellers came out again on to the top of the peach and gazed carefully around. themoon was still shining as brightly as ever, and there were still plenty of huge shimmering cloud-mountains on all sides. but there were no cloud-men in sight now.

‘the peach is leaking!’ shouted the old-green-grasshopper, peering over the side. ‘it’s full of holesand the juice is dripping out everywhere!’

‘that does it!’ cried the earthworm. ‘if the peach is leaking then we shall surely sink!’

‘don’t be an ass!’ the centipede told him. ‘we’re not in the water now!’

‘oh, look!’ shouted the ladybird. ‘look, look, look! over there!’

everybody swung round to look.

in the distance and directly ahead of them, they now saw a most extraordinary sight. it was a kind ofarch, a colossal curvy-shaped thing that reached high up into the sky and came down again at bothends. the ends were resting upon a huge flat cloud that was as big as a desert.

‘now what in the world is that?’ asked james.

‘it’s a bridge!’

‘it’s an enormous hoop cut in half!’

‘it’s a giant horseshoe standing upside down!’

‘stop me if i‘m wrong,’ murmured the centipede, going white in the face, ‘but might those not becloud-men climbing all over it?’

there was a dreadful silence. the peach floated closer and closer.

‘they are cloud-men!’

‘there are hundreds of them!’



‘i don’t want to hear about it!’ shrieked the poor blind earthworm. ‘i’d rather be on the end of a fishhook and used as bait than come up against those terrible creatures again!’

‘i’d rather be fried alive and eaten by a mexican!’ wailed the old-green-grasshopper.

‘please keep quiet,’ whispered james. ‘it’s our only hope.’

they crouched very still on top of the peach, staring at the cloud-men. the whole surface of thecloud was literally swarming with them, and there were hundreds more up above climbing about onthat monstrous crazy arch.

‘but what is that thing?’ whispered the ladybird. ‘and what are they doing to it?’

‘i don’t care what they’re doing to it!’ the centipede said, scuttling over to the tunnel entrance. ‘i‘mnot staying up here! good-bye!’

but the rest of them were too frightened or too hypnotized by the whole affair to make a move.

‘do you know what?’ james whispered.

‘what?’ they said. ‘what?’

‘that enormous arch – they seem to be painting it! they‘ve got pots of paint and big brushes! youlook!’

and he was quite right. the travellers were close enough now to see that this was exactly what thecloud-men were doing. they all had huge brushes in their hands and they were splashing the paint onto the great curvy arch in a frenzy of speed, so fast, in fact, that in a few minutes the whole of the archbecame covered with the most glorious colours – reds, blues, greens, yellows, and purples.

‘it’s a rainbow!’ everyone said at once. ‘they are making a rainbow!’

‘oh, isn’t it beautiful!’

‘just look at those colours!’

‘centipede!’ they shouted. ‘you must come up and see this!’ they were so enthralled by the beautyand brilliance of the rainbow that they forgot to keep their voices low any longer. the centipede pokedhis head cautiously out of the tunnel entrance.

‘well, well, well,’ he said. ‘i‘ve always wondered how those things were made. but why all theropes? what are they doing with those ropes?’

‘good heavens, they are pushing it off the cloud!’ cried james. ‘there it goes! they are lowering itdown to the earth with ropes!’

‘and i’ll tell you something else,’ the centipede said sharply. ‘if i‘m not greatly mistaken, weourselves are going to bump right into it!’

‘bless my soul, he’s right!’ the old-green-grasshopper exclaimed.

the rainbow was now dangling in the air below the cloud. the peach was also just below the level ofthe cloud, and it was heading directly towards the rainbow, travelling rather fast.

‘we are lost!’ miss spider cried, wringing her feet again. ‘the end has come!’

‘i can’t stand it!’ wailed the earthworm. ‘tell me what’s happening!’

‘we’re going to miss it!’ shouted the ladybird.

‘no, we’re not!’

‘yes, we are!’

‘yes! – yes! – no! – oh, my heavens!’

‘hold on, everybody!’ james called out, and suddenly there was a tremendous thud as the peachwent crashing into the top of the rainbow. this was followed by an awful splintering noise as theenormous rainbow snapped right across the middle and became two separate pieces.

the next thing that happened was extremly unfortunate. the ropes that the cloud-men had beenusing for lowering the rainbow got tangled up with the silk strings that went up from the peach to theseagulls! the peach was trapped! panic and pandemonium broke out among the travellers, and jameshenry trotter, glancing up quickly, saw the faces of a thousand furious cloud-men peering down athim over the edge of the cloud. the faces had almost no shape at all because of the long white hairs thatcovered them. there were no noses, no mouths, no ears, no chins – only the eyes were visible in eachface, two small black eyes glinting malevolently through the hairs.

then came the most frightening thing of all. one cloud-man, a huge hairy creature who must havebeen fourteen feet tall at least, suddenly stood up and made a tremendous leap off the side of the cloud,trying to get to one of the silk strings above the peach. james and his friends saw him go flying throughthe air above them, his arms outstretched in front of him, reaching for the nearest string, and they sawhim grab it and cling to it with his hands and legs. and then, very very slowly, hand over hand, hebegan to come down the string.

‘mercy! help! save us!’ cried the ladybird.

‘he’s coming down to eat us!’ wailed the old-green-grasshopper. ‘jump overboard!’

‘then eat the earthworm first!’ shouted the centipede. ‘it’s no good eating me, i‘m full of bones likea kipper!’

‘centipede!’ yelled james. ‘quickly! bite through that string, the one he’s coming down on!’

the centipede rushed over to the stem of the peach and took the silk string in his teeth and bitthrough it with one snap of his jaws. immediately, far above them, a single seagull was seen to comeaway from the rest of the flock and go flying off with a long string trailing from its neck. and clingingdesperately to the end of the string, shouting and cursing with fury, was the huge hairy cloud-man. upand up he went, swinging across the moonlit sky, and james henry trotter, watching him with delight,said, ‘my goodness, he must weigh almost nothing at all for one seagull to be able to pull him up likethat! he must be all hair and air!’

the rest of the cloud-men were so flabbergasted at seeing one of their company carried away in thismanner that they let go the ropes they were holding and then of course down went the rainbow, bothhalves of it together, tumbling towards the earth below. this freed the peach, which at once begansailing away from that terrible cloud.

but the travellers were not in the clear yet. the infuriated cloud-men jumped up and ran after themalong the cloud, pelting them mercilessly with all sorts of hard and horrible objects. empty paintbuckets, paint brushes, stepladders, stools, saucepans, frying-pans, rotten eggs, dead rats, bottles ofhair-oil – anything those brutes could lay their hands on came raining down upon the peach. onecloud-man, taking very careful aim, tipped a gallon of thick purple paint over the edge of the cloudright on to the centipede himself.

the centipede screamed with anger. ‘my legs!’ he cried. ‘they are all sticking together! i can’twalk! and my eyelids won’t open! i can’t see! and my boots! my boots are ruined!’

but for the moment everyone was far too busy dodging the things that the cloud-men were throwingto pay any attention to the centipede.

‘the paint is drying!’ he moaned. ‘it’s going hard! i can’t move my legs! i can’t move anything!’

‘you can still move your mouth,’ the earthworm said. ‘and that is a great pity.’

‘james!’ bawled the centipede. ‘please help me! wash off this paint! scrape it off! anything!’



















“我不想再听啦!”可怜的盲蚯蚓尖叫起来,“我宁愿 被放到鱼钩上当鱼饵,也不愿再跟那些可怕的生物作对啦!”



































蜈蚣急忙奔了过去,用牙齿叼住了丝绳,喀嚓!嘴巴一咬,丝绳便折断了。在高高的上空,立刻便望见一只海鸥离开了别的海鸥,脖子上拖着一根长长的丝绳腾空而去。高大的毛茸茸的云彩人呢,却拼命抓住丝绳一头,悻悻地喊叫着,咒骂着。只见他越飞越高,飘荡着穿过洒满月光 的天空。詹姆斯·亨利·特洛特快活地望着云彩人,说:“老天哪!他几乎根本就没有重量,因为,一只海鸥就能那样拉起他来!他想必只有毛发和空气!”








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