
Beloved 宠儿

Chapter 24
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左右棋牌 | 在麻将桌上,自己是自己的主人,自己的命运真正地掌握在自己手中。邀风入座,随便东西南北;抓子听和,管它杠碰吃摸。

beloved came through the door and they ought to have heard hertread, but they didn't.

breathing and murmuring, breathing and murmuring. beloved heard them as soon as the doorbanged shut behind her. she jumped at the slam and swiveled her head toward the whisperscoming from behind the white stairs. she took a step and felt like crying. she had been so close,then closer. and it was so much better than the anger that ruled when sethe did or thoughtanything that excluded herself. she could bear the hours — -nine or ten of them each day but one— -when sethe was gone. bear even the nights when she was close but out of sight, behind wallsand doors lying next to him. but now — even the daylight time that beloved had counted on,disciplined herself to be content with, was being reduced, divided by sethe's willingness to payattention to other things. him mostly. him who said something to her that made her run out intothe woods and talk to herself on a rock. him who kept her hidden at night behind doors. and himwho had hold of her now whispering behind the stairs after beloved had rescued her neck and wasready now to put her hand in that woman's own.

beloved turned around and left. denver had not arrived, or else she was waiting somewhereoutside. beloved went to look, pausing to watch a cardinal hop from limb to branch. she followedthe blood spot shifting in the leaves until she lost it and even then she walked on, backward, stillhungry for another glimpse.

she turned finally and ran through the woods to the stream. standing close to its edge she watchedher reflection there. when denver's face joined hers, they stared at each other in the water.

"you did it, i saw you," said denver.

"what?""i saw your face. you made her choke.""i didn't do it.""you told me you loved her.""i fixed it, didn't i? didn't i fix her neck?""after. after you choked her neck.""i kissed her neck. i didn't choke it. the circle of iron choked it.""i saw you." denver grabbed beloved's arm.

"look out, girl," said beloved and, snatching her arm away, ran ahead as fast as she could alongthe stream that sang on the other side of the woods.

left alone, denver wondered if, indeed, she had been wrong. she and beloved were standing inthe trees whispering, while sethe sat on the rock. denver knew that the clearing used to be wherebaby suggs preached, but that was when she was a baby. she had never been there herself toremember it. 124 and the field behind it were all the world she knew or wanted.

once upon a time she had known more and wanted to. had walked the path leading to a real otherhouse. had stood outside the window listening. four times she did it on her own — crept awayfrom 124 early in the afternoon when her mother and grandmother had their guard down, justbefore supper, after chores; the blank hour before gears changed to evening occupations. denverhad walked off looking for the house other children visited but not her. when she found it she wastoo timid to go to the front door so she peeped in the window. lady jones sat in a straight-backedchair; several children sat cross-legged on the floor in front of her. lady jones had a book. thechildren had slates. lady jones was saying something too soft for denver to hear. the childrenwere saying it after her. four times denver went to look. the fifth time lady jones caught her and said, "come in the front door, miss denver. this is not a side show." so she had almost a wholeyear of the company of her peers and along with them learned to spell and count. she was seven,and those two hours in the afternoon were precious to her. especially so because she had done it onher own and was pleased and surprised by the pleasure and surprise it created in her mother andher brothers. for a nickel a month, lady jones did what whitepeople thought unnecessary if notillegal: crowded her little parlor with the colored children who had time for and interest in booklearning. the nickel, tied to a handkerchief knot, tied to her belt, that she carried to lady jones,thrilled her. the effort to handle chalk expertly and avoid the scream it would make; the capital w,the little i, the beauty of the letters in her name, the deeply mournful sentences from the biblelady jones used as a textbook. denver practiced every morning; starred every afternoon. she wasso happy she didn't even know she was being avoided by her classmates — that they made excusesand altered their pace not to walk with her. it was nelson lord — the boy as smart as she was —who put a stop to it; who asked her the question about her mother that put chalk, the little i and allthe rest that those afternoons held, out of reach forever. she should have laughed when he said it,or pushed him down, but there was no meanness in his face or his voice. just curiosity. but thething that leapt up in her when he asked it was a thing that had been lying there all along. shenever went back. the second day she didn't go, sethe asked her why not. denver didn't answer.

she was too scared to ask her brothers or anyone else nelson lord's question because certain oddand terrifying feelings about her mother were collecting around the thing that leapt up inside her.

later on, after baby suggs died, she did not wonder why howard and buglar had run away. shedid not agree with sethe that they left because of the ghost. if so, what took them so long? theyhad lived with it as long as she had. but if nelson lord was right — no wonder they were sulky,staying away from home as much as they could.

meanwhile the monstrous and unmanageable dreams about sethe found release in theconcentration denver began to fix on the baby ghost. before nelson lord, she had been barelyinterested in its antics. the patience of her mother and grandmother in its presence made herindifferent to it. then it began to irritate her, wear her out with its mischief. that was when shewalked off to follow the children to lady jones' house-school. now it held for her all the anger,love and fear she didn't know what to do with. even when she did muster the courage to asknelson lord's question, she could not hear sethe's answer, nor baby suggs' words, nor anything atall thereafter. for two years she walked in a silence too solid for penetration but which gave hereyes a power even she found hard to believe. the black nostrils of a sparrow sitting on a branchsixty feet above her head, for instance. for two years she heard nothing at all and then she heardclose thunder crawling up the stairs. baby suggs thought it was here boy padding into places henever went. sethe thought it was the india-rubber ball the boys played with bounding down thestairs.

"is that damn dog lost his mind?" shouted baby suggs.

"he's on the porch," said sethe. "see for yourself.""well, what's that i'm hearing then?"sethe slammed the stove lid. "buglar! buglar! i told you all not to use that ball in here." shelooked at the white stairs and saw denver at the top.

"she was trying to get upstairs.""what?" the cloth she used to handle the stove lid was balled in sethe's hand.

"the baby," said denver. "didn't you hear her crawling?"what to jump on first was the problem: that denver heard anything at all or that the crawling-already? baby girl was still at it but more so, the return of denver's hearing, cut off by an answershe could not hear to hear, cut on by the sound of her dead sister trying to climb the stairs, signaledanother shift in the fortunes of the people of 124. from then on the presence was full of spite.

instead of sighs and accidents there was pointed and deliberate abuse. buglar and howard grewfurious at the company of the women in the house, and spent in sullen reproach any time they hadaway from their odd work in town carrying water and feed at the stables. until the spite became sopersonal it drove each off. baby suggs grew tired, went to bed and stayed there until her big oldheart quit. except for an occasional request for color she said practically nothing — until theafternoon of the last day of her life when she got out of bed, skipped slowly to the door of thekeeping room and announced to sethe and denver the lesson she had learned from her sixty yearsa slave and ten years free: that there was no bad luck in the world but white people. "they don'tknow when to stop," she said, and returned to her bed, pulled up the quilt and left them to hold thatthought forever. shortly afterward sethe and denver tried to call up and reason with the babyghost, but got nowhere. it took a man, paul d, to shout it off, beat it off and take its place forhimself. and carnival or no carnival, denver preferred the venomous baby to him any day. duringthe first days after paul d moved in, denver stayed in her emerald closet as long as she could,lonely as a mountain and almost as big, thinking everybody had somebody but her; thinking even aghost's company was denied her. so when she saw the black dress with two unlaced shoes beneathit she trembled with secret thanks. whatever her power and however she used it, beloved was hers.

denver was alarmed by the harm she thought beloved planned for sethe, but felt helpless to thwartit, so unrestricted was her need to love another. the display she witnessed at the clearing shamedher because the choice between sethe and beloved was without conflict. walking toward thestream, beyond her green bush house, she let herself wonder what if beloved really decided tochoke her mother. would she let it happen? murder, nelson lord had said. "didn't your motherget locked away for murder? wasn't you in there with her when she went?"it was the second question that made it impossible for so long to ask sethe about the first. thething that leapt up had been coiled in just such a place: a darkness, a stone, and some other thingthat moved by itself. she went deaf rather than hear the answer, and like the little four o'clocks thatsearched openly for sunlight, then closed themselves tightly when it left, denver kept watch for thebaby and withdrew from everything else. until paul d came. but the damage he did came undonewith the miraculous resurrection of beloved.
















































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