
Beloved 宠儿

Chapter 27
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左右棋牌 | 在麻将桌上,自己是自己的主人,自己的命运真正地掌握在自己手中。邀风入座,随便东西南北;抓子听和,管它杠碰吃摸。

not the way he had beat off the baby's ghost — all bang and shriek with windows smashed andicily iars rolled in a heap. but she moved him nonetheless, and paul d didn't know how to stop itbecause it looked like he was moving himself. imperceptibly, downright reasonably, he wasmoving out of 124.

the beginning was so simple. one day, after supper, he sat in the rocker by the stove, bone-tired,river-whipped, and fell asleep. he woke to the footsteps of sethe coming down the white stairs tomake breakfast.

"i thought you went out somewhere," she said.

paul d moaned, surprised to find himself exactly where he was the last time he looked.

"don't tell me i slept in this chair the whole night."sethe laughed. "me? i won't say a word to you.""why didn't you rouse me?""i did. called you two or three times. i gave it up around midnight and then i thought you went outsomewhere."he stood, expecting his back to fight it. but it didn't. not a creak or a stiff joint anywhere. in facthe felt refreshed. some things are like that, he thought, good-sleep places. the base of certain treeshere and there; a wharf, a bench, a rowboat once, a haystack usually, not always bed, and here,now, a rocking chair, which was strange because in his experience furniture was the worst placefor a good-sleep sleep.

the next evening he did it again and then again. he was accustomed to sex with sethe just aboutevery day, and to avoid the confusion beloved's shining caused him he still made it his business totake her back upstairs in the morning, or lie down with her after supper. but he found a way and areason to spend the longest part of the night in the rocker. he told himself it must be his back —something supportive it needed for a weakness left over from sleeping in a box in georgia.

it went on that way and might have stayed that way but one evening, after supper, after sethe, hecame downstairs, sat in the rocker and didn't want to be there. he stood up and realized he didn'twant to go upstairs either. irritable and longing for rest, he opened the door to baby suggs' roomand dropped off to sleep on the bed the old lady died in. that settled it — so it seemed. it becamehis room and sethe didn't object — her bed made for two had been occupied by one for eighteenyears before paul d came to call. and maybe it was better this way, with young girls in the houseand him not being her true-to-life husband. in any case, since there was no reduction in his before-breakfast or after-supper appetites, he never heard her complain.

it went on that way and might have stayed that way, except one evening, after supper, after sethe,he came downstairs and lay on baby suggs' bed and didn't want to be there.

he believed he was having house-fits, the glassy anger men sometimes feel when a woman's housebegins to bind them, when they want to yell and break something or at least run off. he knew allabout that — felt it lots of times — in the delaware weaver's house, for instance. but always heassociated the house-fit with the woman in it. this nervousness had nothing to do with the woman,whom he loved a little bit more every day: her hands among vegetables, her mouth when shelicked a thread end before guiding it through a needle or bit it in two when the seam was done, theblood in her eye when she defended her girls (and beloved was hers now) or any coloredwomanfrom a slur. also in this house-fit there was no anger, no suffocation, no yearning to be elsewhere.

he just could not, would not, sleep upstairs or in the rocker or, now, in baby suggs' bed. so hewent to the storeroom.

it went on that way and might have stayed that way except one evening, after supper, after sethe,he lay on a pallet in the storeroom and didn't want to be there. then it was the cold house and itwas out there, separated from the main part of 124, curled on top of two croaker sacks full of sweetpotatoes, staring at the sides of a lard can, that he realized the moving was involuntary. he wasn'tbeing nervous; he was being prevented.

so he waited. visited sethe in the morning; slept in the cold room at night and waited.

she came, and he wanted to knock her down.



















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