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Through Portugal
Portugal had been familiar to me from my earliest youth, for my road to and from Spain had often lain that way, and circumstances had made me conversant with the language and history of the country;
The Queen of Spades and other stories
Alexander Sergueievitch Pushkin came of a noble family, so ancient that it was traced back to that Alexander Nevsky who, in the thirteenth century, gained a great victory over the Swedes upon the ice
Were You Ever a Child?
This book is intended as an explanation of the new educational ideals and methods now being fostered and developed, under great difficulties, by courageous educators, in various schools for the most
The Egregious English
It has become the Englishman's habit, one might almost say the Englishman's instinct, to take himself for the head and front of the universe. The order of creation began, we are told, in protoplasm.
龙纹身的女孩 The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
千禧年杂志发行人同时也是财经记者的布隆维斯特因为涉及毁谤企业家温纳斯壮一案被判高额赔偿金。事发不久,名誉破产,被迫去职的布隆威斯特接获了范耶尔企业大家长亨利范耶尔邀请,要求他远赴赫德史塔岛撰写范耶尔家族史,范耶尔并提出高薪和对温纳斯壮不利的证据,企图吸引布隆维斯特答应。 布隆威斯特发现事情并不单纯,原来撰写家族史只是一个借口,亨利的实际目的,是要他深入调查家族中失踪近四十年的海莉命案。在调查过程
The Way We Live Now 如今世道
特普洛擅长描写观察人生百态,这本小说描写了人性中的荣誉、腐败、正直、与贪婪,点出了十九世纪末期社会剧烈的变动中,人心道德也随之摇摆的局面。英国首席编剧Andrew Davis亲自操刀(他的作品包括了傲慢与偏见、爱玛、锦绣佳人),将这部讽刺小说做了最佳的詮释。 故事由暴发户Melmotte带著家人从欧陆回到伦敦开始说起,这个在欧陆大发横财的家庭在伦敦的社交圈中引起了议论纷纷,贵族们对这样一个粗俗但
The Wyvern Mystery 蜿龙庄园
In the small breakfast parlour of Oulton, a pretty girl, Miss Alice Maybell, with her furs and wrappers about her, and a journey of forty miles before her—not by rail—to Wyvern, h
The Last Egyptian
The sun fell hot upon the bosom of the Nile and clung there, vibrant, hesitating, yet aggressive, as if baffled in its desire to penetrate beneath the river’s lurid surface. For the Nile de
Seventeen Years in the Underworld
The two of us were sitting in a large park in an Eastern city, one beautiful summer evening. As the rich afterglow of the sunset turned to twilight and then to dark, my friend began to talk about the
The Romany Rye
Lavengro’ and ‘The Romany Rye’ are one book, though the former was published in 1851 and the latter not until 1857. After a slumber of six years the dingle re-awakes to
Romola (1862–63) is a historical novel by George Eliot set in the fifteenth century, and is "a deep study of life in the city of Florence from an intellectual, artistic, religious,
Saint Ronan's Well
We have seldom found Sydney Smith giving higher praise, and nobody can deny the justice of the censure with which it is qualified. Scott himself explains, in his Introduction, how, in his quest of no
Mark Manning's Mission
Two boys, with guns on their shoulders, were crossing a meadow towards the Pecasset woods. These were situated about a mile from the village, and were quite extensive. The two boys were James Collins
Squib and His Friends
That was the name Squib went by in the nursery and in the household—“the odd one.” Not exactly because of any personal peculiarities—although he had a few of t
The Worst Boy in Town
The speaker was Farmer Parkins, and the person addressed was Jack Wittingham, only son of the most successful physician in Doveton. Farmer Parkins had driven to town quite early in the morning to mak