An electric debut novel set against the twilight of the American gold rush, two siblings are on the run in an unforgiving landscape--trying not just to survive but to find a home. Ba dies in the nigh
Many of the stories in this volume were told by an old man who said he had more and better learning nor the scholars. “The like of them,” he declared, “do be filled with
《本草纲目》(Compendium of Materia Medica)是由明朝伟大的医药学家李时珍(1518-1593年)为修改古代医书中的错误而编,他以毕生精力,亲历实践,广收博采,对本草学进行了全面的整理总结,历时29年编成,30余年心血的结晶。 共有52卷,载有药物1892种,其中载有新药374种,收集药方11096个,书中还绘制了1160幅精美的插图,约190万字,分为16部、60类。