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Heart of Darkness黑暗的心
一个海员到非洲刚果一个贸易公司去做跑船,带领一群人开着破船去河流的上游找一个神奇的同事,一个非常有能力的连土著人都佩服他的 kurtz 先生。他们费劲力气找到先生后却发现他完全不是想象中的样子,而是做了土著人的神,压根不想回公司把自己找到的很多象牙交出去,那位先生是个(天才)疯子。疯子先生病死了他们则返回了河口。
Angels of the Battlefield
One of the effects of the war. The productive force of the nation deprived by death, disease and disability of one million men. The task of caring for the sick and wounded. Four notable orders&md
A Passionate Pilgrim
A Passionate Pilgrim is a novella by Henry James, first published in The Atlantic Monthly in 1871. The story was the earliest fiction that James included in the New York Edition (1907–09) o
The Prince
Nicolo Machiavelli was born at Florence on 3rd May 1469. He was the second son of Bernardo di Nicolo Machiavelli, a lawyer of some repute, and of Bartolommea di Stefano Nelli, his wife. Both parents
Little Miss Grasshopper
In Dresden, not far from the Terrace on the Elbe, stands a large stone house. One sunny July morning Herr Feland was sitting there in his easy chair, and holding such a large newspaper in front of hi
Master Simon's Garden
Old Goody Parsons, with her cleanest white kerchief, her most sorrowful expression of face and her biggest brown basket, had gone down through the village and across the hill to tell Master Simon wha
The People of the Abyss 深渊居民
The Boy and His Gang
The gang spirit is the basis of the social life of the boy. It is the spontaneous expression of the boy’s real interests. A boy must have not only companions but a group of companions in wh
Fanny Hill 芬妮希尔
Young, pretty and innocent Fanny Hill has lost her parents and must find her way in life amidst the perils of turbulent 18th century London. She is fortunate enough to find rapidly a place as chamber
One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back, and if he lifted his head a little he could s
Memoirs of John Abernethy
In submitting to the Public a Memoir of a great man, it may naturally be expected that an author should endeavour to convey to them some idea of the associations, or other circumstances, which have p
Kophetua the Thirteenth
The outburst of political speculation which followed the Renaissance is well known to us by its remarkable literature. True it is that the greater part of it is long since dead and sleeps in peace, s
Imaginary Interviews
It is not generally known that after forty-two years of constant use the aged and honored movable which now again finds itself put back in its old place in the rear of Harper's Magazine was stored in
A-Birding on a Bronco
"Climb the mountain back of the house and you can see the Pacific," the ranchman told me with a gleam in his eye; and later, when I had done that, from the top of a peak at the foot
The Four Corners
The town itself was one that stood at the foot of Virginia's blue mountains. The house where the Corners lived was on the edge of the town, facing a street which ended at the front gate. At the side