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FAMOUS FIVE 18 Five On Finniston Farm疯狂侦探团18:地牢夺宝
There is a ruined castle on Finniston Farm, but only the dungeons remain and no one knows where they are! The Famous Five are determined to find them, and whatever else is hidden inside, but someone
FAMOUS FIVE 12 Five Go Down To The Sea疯狂侦探团12:雨夜灯塔
In the twelfth book of the series, Anne makes a comment that she'd rather not have any adventures on this little biking trip to Tremannon in Cornwall. She'd rather just have a jolly nice time. So Jul
Last Term at Malory Towers
In this final book about the girls at Malory Towers, Darrell becomes head girl. Unfortunately not all the girls are as responsible as she is and in her last term Darrell sees many changes in her old
FAMOUS FIVE 03 Five Run Away Together疯狂侦探团03:午夜尖叫
SUMMARY: Who's been on George's island? And what is locked in the mysterious trunk hidden on Kirrin Island? The Famous Five think they're on the trail of smugglers - until they hear a child scream ..
Third Year at Malory Towers
The girls return for another term to find several new faces in their form. There is Zerelda, the American girl, Bill, short for Wilhelmina, who is mad about horses, and Mavis who has a remarkable voi
FAMOUS FIVE 13 Five Go To Mystery Moor疯狂侦探团13:荒野疑云
Mystery Moor is aptly named, as the Five discover! There's something dangerous out there, but gang need help to find out what it is. The travellers camped on the moor are unfriendly, so the Famous Fi
Second Form at Malory Towers
Darrell, Sally, Gwendoline, Mary Lou and all the girls are now in the Second Form, but they are as lively as ever. Mam'zelle Dupont is still trying to be strict, Alicia plays a trick with invisible c
Upper Fourth at Malory Towers
The girls are in a higher form now. This year there is the tension of exams for the first time, but there is all the fun of the summer term as well - and the high spirits of a lively and imaginative
FAMOUS FIVE 14 Five Have Plenty Of Fun疯狂侦探团14:护花使者
George is not pleased when Berta, a spoilt American girl, turns up at Kirrin Cottage in the middle of the night dressed in disguise! But George hasn't got time to be jealous. Berta is in hiding from
FAMOUS FIVE 17 Five Get Into A Fix疯狂侦探团17:圣诞惊魂
The Famous Five are having lots of fun in the snow! But who is living in the mysterious house near the chalet they're staying in? The caretaker says nobody has lived there for years, but the Five are
First Term at Malory Towers
Scared and excited, Darrell Rivers has just arrived at Malory Towers. It's fantastic - but huge. How is she gong to remember everyone's name, let alone find her way around? And will she ever have a s
FAMOUS FIVE 10 Five On A Hike Together疯狂侦探团10:逃犯口信
Dick is puzzled when he's woken by a light flashing through his window. Is someone trying to send him a coded message? And when the Famous Five hear of an escaped convict in the area, they are on red
FAMOUS FIVE 15 Five On A Secret Trail疯狂侦探团15:废舍鬼影
Camping again! This time the Five have pitched their tent near an old ruined cottage, which looks as though it's been abandoned for years. When Anne hears strange noises at night the others don't bel
In The Fifth at Malory Towers
Games, lessons, quarrels and tricks all form part of a lively term, but the biggest event of all is the Fifth Form pantomime, written, acted and produced entirely by the girls. It generates a lot of
Evil Under the Sun阳光下的罪恶
The classic Evil Under the Sun , one of the most famous of Agatha Christie’s Poirot investigations, has the fastidious sleuth on the trail of the killer of a sun-bronzed beauty whose death