The Texan Scouts
The Texan Scouts
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点击: 137 次
更新: 2024-02-06 21:47:16

The horseman rode slowly toward the west, stopping once or twice to examine the wide circle of the horizon with eyes that were trained to note every aspect of the wilderness. On his right the plains

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The horseman rode slowly toward the west, stopping once or twice to examine the wide circle of the horizon with eyes that were trained to note every aspect of the wilderness. On his right the plains melted away in gentle swell after swell, until they met the horizon. Their brown surface was broken only by the spiked and thorny cactus and stray bits of chaparral.

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The Crew of the Water Wagtail
The Eagle Cliff
The Dog Crusoe and His Master
The Floating Light of the Goodwin Sands