Adrift in the Wilds
Adrift in the Wilds
字数: 191098字
点击: 117 次
更新: 2024-02-06 21:54:22

One beautiful misummer night in 18— a large, heavily laden steamer was making her way swiftly up the Pacific coast, in the direction of San Francisco. She was opposite the California shore,

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One beautiful misummer night in 18— a large, heavily laden steamer was making her way swiftly up the Pacific coast, in the direction of San Francisco. She was opposite the California shore, only a day's sail distant from the City of the Golden Gate, and many of the passengers had already begun making preparations for landing, even though a whole night and the better part of a day was to intervene ere they could expect to set their feet upon solid land.

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A Girl of the People
Six Months at the Cape
Silver Lake
Saved by the Lifeboat