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“一八九四年的春天,整个伦敦对可敬的罗纳德·艾德尔十分不寻常而神秘的谋杀事件极其关切,上流社会的人们更因此事丧胆。一般大众已由警方的侦查结果得知 罪案的特点,但是在当时仍有许多内容事实隐而不宣,因为这案子的起诉理由十分有力,因此就没有必要把所有的事实分布出来。一直到十年后的今天,我才被允许 将整串事情的一些重要环节说出来。罪案的本身已经够令人感兴趣的了,
The Treasure of the 'San Philipo'
I almost danced with delight at the information, vague as it appeared, for during the last three months news of my uncle's progress in search of the mysterious treasure that was to restore the fortun
Expedition to the Zambesi and its Tributaries
It has been my object in this work to give as clear an account as I was able of tracts of country previously unexplored, with their river systems, natural productions, and capabilities; and to bring
Out For Business
In this tale are related the various haps and mishaps which befall a sturdy country youth, of high moral aim, who, by the harsh actions of his step-father, is compelled to leave what had once been th
The Turning of the Tide
A distinguished professor of Mathematics in a New England college was wont to remark to the Freshman class when meeting them for the first time at recitation, "that every person is as lazy a
Life of a Pioneer
THE life of a pioneer in Western America always is full of peril and hardship; often it has a large share of startling episodes and thrilling adventures; not infrequently it is associated with notabl
Other People's Money 别人的钱
A man must be something worse than a simpleton to still ply histrade on the high-roads, exposed to all sorts of annoyances on thepart of the gendarmes, when manufacturing and financial enterprisesoff
With Force and Arms
The showman, crying his attractions, lifted up his voice at the flap of his tent. So, at this, the entrance to that which is within, those who stop to read may gain a hint of what is beyond. Only a l
The Manatitlans
In the following record of the explorations of the Teutonic corps of the R. H. B. Society of Berlin, dispatched for the classification of parasitical animalcul? peculiar to the vegetable productions
Folk Tales of Breffny
Many of the stories in this volume were told by an old man who said he had more and better learning nor the scholars. “The like of them,” he declared, “do be filled with
The Ship of Coral
The sea lay blue to the far horizon. Blue—Ah, blue is but a name till you have seen the sea that breaks around the Bahamas and gives anchorage to the tall ships at Port Royal; that great sh
Friendship Village Love Stories
Although it is June, the Little Child about whom I shall sometimes write in these pages this morning brought me a few violets. June violets. They sound unconvincing and even sentimental. However, her
The Leopard's Spots
In answer to hundreds of letters, I wish to say that all the incidents used in Book I., which is properly the prologue of my story, were selected from authentic records, or came within my personal kn
The Galleon's Gold
The clipper ship Aurelian, one of the few survivors of the old West India trade, had sighted Sandy Hook, and was making New York harbor after a remarkable voyage from Belize.
The Boy Scouts of Woodcraft Camp
The Boy Scout movement has appealed to me from the very first as a long step in the right direction. It stands for an organized boyhood on a world-wide plan. It has in it the essentials for a stronge