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暮光之城:新月 New Moon
爱德华深深迷上贝拉,也喜欢上了她身上独特的香味。无奈欢乐时光总是短暂的,在她十八岁生日派对上,贝拉不慎割伤了胳膊,流淌的鲜血勾起了爱德华家人嗜血的本性。为了保护自己心爱的人,爱德华和他的家族离开了福克斯小镇。 爱德华走后,贝拉的世界彻底坍塌了,她开始尝试各种冒险的行径,因为她发现,只要她一做危险的事情,爱德华的声音就会出现在她的脑海里。贝拉自虐式的疯狂举动并没有让爱德华回心转意,这时,年少不羁的
The Talisman 魔符
On a brisk autumn day, a thirteen-year-old boy stands on the shores of the gray Atlantic, near a silent amusement park and a fading ocean resort called the Alhambra. The past has driven Jack Sawyer h
罗宾汉奇遇记 The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood
The complete tales of Robin Hood and his Merry Men. Robin Hood and his band -- Little John, Will Scarlett, Allan a Dale, Friar Tuck, Will Stutely, and Midge the Miller -- live outlawed in Sherwood Fo
Tales of the Thinking Machine
It was absolutely impossible. Twenty-five chess masters from the world at large, foregathered in Boston for the annual championships, unanimously declared it impossible, and unanimity on any given po
The 116th Battalion in France
With the assistance of the official “War Diary” and the proud memory of two years’ service with the 116th Battalion C.E.F. in France, the writer has compiled this small
Crimes and Punishments
The reason for translating afresh Beccaria’s ‘Dei Delitti e delle Pene’ (‘Crimes and Punishments’) is, that it is a classical work of its kind, and t
Talks To Teachers On Psychology
Still-vital lectures on teaching deal with psychology and the teaching art, the stream of consciousness, the child as a behaving organism, education and behavior, and more. The three addresses to stu
Tales of Men and Ghosts
Down his spine he felt the man's injured stare. Mr. Granice had always been so mild-spoken to his people -- no doubt the odd change in his manner had already been noticed and discussed below stairs.
Eugene Onegin: A Romance of Russian Life in Verse
Eugene Oneguine, the chief poetical work of Russia’s greatest poet, having been translated into all the principal languages of Europe except our own, I hope that this version may prove an a
There was once a time when New England groaned under the actual pressure of heavier wrongs than those threatened ones which brought on the Revolution. James II, the bigoted successor of Charles the V
Acadia or A Month with the Blue Noses
As I have a sort of religion in literature, believing that no author can justly intrude upon the public without feeling that his writings may be of some benefit to mankind, I beg leave to apologize f
Conversation on the Subject of the Bullet—Construction of a Canoe—Hunting—At the Top of a Kauri—Nothing to attest the Presence of Man—Neb and Herbert
With the Swamp Fox
He who sets himself down to write of his own deeds in order that future generations may know exactly what part he bore in freeing the colonies from the burdens put upon them by a wicked king, must ha
Abbess Of Vlaye
Monsieur des Ageaux was a man of whom his best friends could not say that he shone, or tried to shine, in the pursuit of the fair sex. He was of an age, something over thirty, when experience renders
Who was Lost and is Found
One of the most respected inhabitants of the village, rather of the parish, of Eskholm in Mid-Lothian was Mrs Ogilvy, still often called Mrs James by the elder people who had known her predecessors,